Roots determine the health of a plant. Roots absorb and transport water, minerals, and nutrients from the soil. As people, we have R.O.O.T.S. (Relationships, Options, Opportunities, Time, and being Silent). Let’s dig deeper.
R: Relationships
We must invest in developing a healthy relationship with ourselves. The more we know, understand, and accept ourselves, the more we will show up as our authentic selves in our relationships with others.
O: Options
When we face opposition, let’s replace it with options. Let’s focus on exploring our options and outcomes without feeling pressured, defensive, or tense.
O: Opportunities
Be positive. Prepare and plan for the next opportunity. Strive to keep an open mind and stay curious. When a problem arises, it may be an opportunity in disguise.
T: Time
We wish or say, “If I only had more time.” Be intentional and mindful of the time
we have right now.
S: Silent
We are bombarded by sound from the moment we rise until we lie down at night. With the constant noises of life, we can lose our connection to ourselves. Let’s create space to be silent and listen to our inner voice.
Finally, plants can only grow when the soil is healthy. The roots keep the plant firmly anchored
and secure by growing deep in the soil. As people, our heart is our soil. We must nurture and protect our hearts if we want sturdy, deep roots. Remember to Live a Life You Love, Love the Life You Live!